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Independent advice for the sector

Concrete cube for testing ©Shutterstock

In a rapidly-changing landscape, those working in the concrete sector need to ensure they are also continuing to evolve, able to respond to shifts in attitudes and confident to tackle challenges head on. Kathy Calverley, managing director of The Concrete Society discusses its range of services to bestow you with the knowledge you need to thrive.

The Concrete Society’s Advisory Service, run by experienced chartered engineers, carry out desk studies and site visits for Society members to assist with problems in the field. The reports are independent. A helpline is available, again to provide prompt impartial technical advice. Technical assistance for non-members is also available.

Society engineers also present monthly webinars, designed to improve knowledge and competitiveness. These online seminars provide in-depth insight for contractors, engineers, supervisors, producers, constituent suppliers, apprentices and students. Topics focus on a range of concrete-related subjects, for example: Concreting in cold weather; Identity testing, consistence, cubes and cores; Visual concrete finishes; and concrete structural design for non-engineers.

Upcoming webinars include:
•    Why does concrete crack? – Technical Report 22 (19 March)
•    Assessing whether cube results have actually failed (23 April) 
•    Why do we need to test the in-situ strength of concrete? (21 May)
•    Concreting in a changing climate (18 June)
•    How to specify & supply concrete to the Standards: BS 8500 (23 July)

Kathy Calverley, says: “As a member-based body, with no affiliation to trade or corporate organisations, the information and advice provided by The Society is sound, practical and – importantly – independent.”

More details can be found at:

Guest Blogger
Kathy Calverley
Managing director of The Concrete Society

Kathy Calverley is managing director of The Concrete Society, an independent membership organisation and leading provider of information – with an emphasis on quality and professional standards – to all users of concrete, including architects, engineers, contractors and suppliers. 

In 2001, Kathy became the first female Society president, having previously chaired the South-West Region of The Society. Kathy holds an honours degree in English and Classical Studies from University of Wales (Cardiff), a Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management and the Diploma of Advanced Concrete Technology and is a Corporate Member of the Institute of Concrete Technology. 

Kathy has worked in the cement and concrete industry for over 40 years – 32 years of which were with Blue Circle Industries (now Lafarge UK) in technical and sales roles and senior management, including project management and contract negotiation, before becoming managing director of The Concrete Society in 2011.  

In July 2018 Kathy was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for services to the construction industry. 


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The free-to-attend event for the UK concrete industry takes place from 26-27 February at the NEC Birmingham. Sign up for your visitor ticket today

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