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Cemex achieves milestone in sustainable cement production

Inside SUEZ's recycling facility at Malpass Farm in Rugby, where Climafuel is produced in order to heat the kiln at Cemex's Rugby cement plant, a green material handler sorts waste SUEZ's recycling facility at Malpass Farm in Rugby, where Climafuel is produced in order to heat the kiln at Cemex's Rugby cement plant. Image: Cemex / SUEZ.

Multinational building materials company Cemex and waste management and recycling company SUEZ have reached a significant environmental milestone at Cemex's Rugby cement plant in Warwickshire. Since 2015, the plant has used over 1 million tonnes of Climafuel, a waste-derived alternative to coal and oil. This initiative has reduced coal use by over 750,000 tonnes, cutting carbon emissions and diverting non-recyclable waste from landfills.

Climafuel is produced at SUEZ’s Malpass Farm facility in Rugby from carefully sorted household and industrial waste collected across the Midlands. This sustainable fuel powers Cemex’s kiln, where the ash is also integrated into clinker for cement production.

Phil Baynes-Clarke, director of cement operations at Cemex UK, explains: “Our partnership with SUEZ is helping us move towards operating the kiln with 100% alternative fuels. This milestone reflects our commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050.”

Environment minister Mary Creagh praised the initiative, saying: “Innovative projects like this show how industries can transform waste into valuable resources, supporting the circular economy and cutting emissions.”

Since 2013, Cemex and SUEZ’s partnership has supported the UK’s drive to decarbonise construction by providing sustainable building materials for projects such as homes, schools, and transport infrastructure.

Pictured from left to right: Mary Creagh MP for Coventry East and minister of nature for DEFRA, John Slinger MP for Rugby, and Dr Adam Reid, chief external affairs and sustainability officer for SUEZ, dressed in PPE examine recycling waste Pictured from left to right: Mary Creagh MP for Coventry East and minister of nature for DEFRA, John Slinger MP for Rugby, and Dr Adam Reid, chief external affairs and sustainability officer for SUEZ. Image: Cemex / SUEZ

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