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CITB moves Consensus process to March

Image: CITB

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced that its Consensus process will now begin on 17 March 2025 and run until 9 May 2025, a five-week delay from its original schedule.

The adjustment allows CITB more time to align its upcoming 2025-29 Strategic Plan with findings from the ITB Review, which is overseen by the Department for Education (DfE).

Consensus, held every three years, gauges Levy-paying employers’ agreement on CITB’s plans for generating and using the Levy to support skills and training in the construction industry. The 2026-29 draft Levy Proposals aim to ensure that Levy exemption and reduction thresholds remain relevant.

During the process, CITB consults at least 11,000 Levy-paying employers, out of the nearly 30,000 who were liable to pay the Levy in March 2019.

Tim Balcon, chief executive of CITB, explained the reason for the revised dates. “We believe it’s important that, as a body led by and accountable to industry, we give employers a full picture of how we intend to support the industry over the life of the Strategic Plan and accompanying Levy Order,” he said.

Balcon noted that the ITB Review’s publication date remains unconfirmed. “Consequently, we have revised the start date of Consensus to ensure employers are well informed going into the process,” he added.

The Levy plays a critical role in developing a skilled workforce for the UK’s construction sector, enabling it to meet current and future demands.

The revised schedule gives employers more time to consider the implications of the Strategic Plan before sharing their views during Consensus.