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HSE highlights first aid requirements for workplaces

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has reminded businesses of their responsibilities when it comes to first aid at work. On its Basics for your business webpages, the HSE offers a step-by-step guide outlining the key first aid arrangements that must be in place for a safe working environment.

Among the essential requirements, businesses must ensure they have a well-stocked first aid kit and that workers are properly trained. Employers are also advised to appoint first aiders to respond to emergencies. The guidance extends to homeworking employees, with clear advice on how to ensure adequate first aid provisions are in place for those working remotely.

Other key topics on the Basics for your business webpages include managing risks and conducting risk assessments in the workplace, as well as ensuring appropriate workplace facilities are available for staff.

The HSE stresses that having the right first aid measures in place is crucial for any business, including those in the construction sector, where accidents can happen more frequently. Employers are encouraged to stay informed and ensure that they are meeting the legal requirements to protect their workforce.