Addressing the “S” of ESG for concrete batch plants
James Bullock, CEO, ConSpare, and President, MHEA
Following on from ConSpare’s environmentally focused ‘Sustainability is a Concrete Matter’ white paper launched at the UK Concrete Show in 2023, ConSpare is soon to launch its next report focussing on the ‘Social’ aspect of ESG for concrete batch plants.
In recent years, the industry has made huge strides to advance sustainability and reduce carbon output at the plant level, however there is now a growing consideration of social issues at batching plants, meaning that decisions are increasingly being influenced by a combination of business reasons, sustainability credentials and social impact.
James’ presentation discusses what ‘social’ means in practice for batch plants, the challenges associated with understanding how to create better, cleaner and safer conditions at each of the UK’s nearly 2,000 batch plants, and three of the main problems that must be addressed – dust, cleaning and manual interventions. Using case studies and testimonials from plant managers, James ultimately explores how we can make the lives of batchers better – and how this benefits the industry as a whole.