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Five minutes with...Russ Holbert of Maverick Industries

Millbrook Skatepark official opening. IMAGE Maverick Industries

How do you go about designing a skatepark and why is concrete the best material?

Each of our projects begin with a site-specific design and this is developed further through consultation with the local skatepark user group. Our designers are skaters themselves, who  work to incorporate the elements wanted by the user groups into a design that flows and progresses seamlessly, with zones that support beginners and challenging features that encourage progression.   

Concrete has been the material of choice for wheeled sports since the Dogtown days when a drought in mid-1970s California led to a ban on filling backyard swimming pools. These empty pools gave rise to freestyle skateboarding, with skaters jumping fences to ride their smooth surfaces on the days the surf was flat. Spray concrete offers a smooth seamless riding surface that is durable in the face of the UK climate and requires very little maintenance. 

Can concrete be beautiful?
We think so when we see the ebb and flow of the forms of our finished parks. Our crew can skilfully construct organic and natural shapes from reinforced spray concrete, creating a skateable piece of architecture in harmony with its surrounding landscape.

Hove Beach Plaza by Maverick Skateparks IMAGE Maverick Industries

What is the best project you’ve ever worked on?

All of our parks are rewarding to work on as each one has been keenly wanted and hard won by its community. Most projects can take a number of years to come to fruition and over that time we get to support them in achieving each milestone, planning, funding etc. Millbrook skatepark is a great example of what can be achieved with incredible community spirit in a short amount of time. 

Concrete Waves skatepark in Newquay is one of our flagship projects. It was built to replace the dilapidated original wooden skatepark which was proving expensive for the council to maintain. It is now a destination park attracting riders from all over the globe and we have recently added a beginner’s area, demonstrating the park’s importance to the local scene. 

There has been a lot of anticipation for our Hove Beach Plaza project, it was five years in the making and finally opened in September 2024. The design of the plaza is truly distinctive and deeply rooted in the local community, contributing to its popularity.

Concrete Waves Skatepark in Newquay. IMAGE Maverick Industries

What are the main challenges you face?

Adverse weather conditions are probably the main challenge we face during our builds. Concrete cannot be poured in sub-zero temperatures, and it is not always possible to cover features from heavy rain, so we do have to vary our pour plan to deal with these factors. 

How important is sustainability to you? Do you source your own materials?

Sustainability is at the heart of our operations and wherever possible, we endeavour to reduce the environmental impact of our project, recycle materials and minimise waste.  We are exploring the option of using eco-concrete in the future when it is more readily available, and once we have carried out satisfactory trials to ensure the suitability for our builds.

What reaction do you get from the community where your skateparks are located?

The reaction can be quite overwhelming as this is a space that the community has needed due to a lack of good facilities and wanted enough to spend years fundraising for. Our skateparks mean a lot to their local area, they are a community hub first, a place for people of all ages to come together, learn new skills and socialise. It is a privilege to help their dream come together. 

Guest Blogger
Russ Holbert
Maverick Industries Ltd

Russ Holbert is one of the directors of Poole-based Maverick Skateparks. The company is run by skaters and specialises in the design and installation of spray concrete parks.